Paintings » 2008-2009: The Passport Paintings
The Death of BraqueOil on Canvas
40 X 30". 2008 -
Girl in BlueOil on Canvas
10 X 8". 2008 -
The Widow's DreamOil on Canvas
36 X 24". 2008 -
Table for ArlecchinoOil on Canvas
36 X 48". 2008 -
The Dance of Life (for Munch)Oil on Canvas
36 X 48". 2008 -
Homage to LincolnOil on Canvas
36 X 48". 2008 -
Tuckahoe TellurianOil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2008 -
The Debt to AesculapiusOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2008 -
Icons for VerseOil on Canvas
40 X 30". 2008 -
A Far CountryOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2008 -
Daughter of Babylon(Portrait/Paysage pour Bonnard)
Oil on Canvas
40 X 30". 2008 -
Big Red CatOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2008 -
Culture MedleyOil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2008 -
Muse with GamecockOil on Canvas
20 X 24". 2008 -
Lilac WineOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2008 -
Parque de CervantesOil on Canvas
36 X 48". 2008 -
Two Women(for Alberto Moravia)
Oil on Canvas
36 X 24". 2008 -
Remembering ParisOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2008 -
Turban OdalisqueOil on Canvas
24 X 36". 2008 -
Thief of NightOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2008 -
LâOrigine du Monde(for Courbet)
Oil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2008 -
The Dutiful DaughterOil on Canvas
36 X 48". 2008 -
The CourtesanOil on Canvas
24 X 36". 2008 -
Maladie du PaysOil on Canvas
32 X 26". 2008 -
Fictive Flowers, Notional RoomOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2008 -
The World of WomanOil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2008 -
The NestingOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2008 -
Postcard from SudanOil on Wood
20 X 24". 2009 -
The Loss of LenoreOil on Wood
20 X 24". 2009 -
Iconic WomanOil on Wood
20 X 24". 2009 -
Every Day, African Woman dey CryOil on Wood
24 X 20". 2009 -
Icons sans PedestalsOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2009 -
Villa CaliforniaOil on Canvas
40 X 30". 2009 -
Life in a Fragile TowerOil on Canvas
16 X 20". 2009 -
A Table for Khalil-BeyOil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2009 -
Hieroglyphic of Misery IOil on Canvas
16 X 20". 2009 -
Hieroglyphic of Misery IIOil on Canvas
16 X 20". 2009 -
Doe Eyed WomanOil on Canvas
20 X 16". 2009 -
The Invention of Poetry(for Enheduana & Ilummia)
Oil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2009 -
Four VenusesOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2009 -
Inset with CompoteOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2009 -
Byzantine LiaisonOil on Canvas
24 X 30", 2009 -
Cradle of CivilizationOil on Canvas
30 X 40". 2009 -
Brentwood BedroomOil on Canvas
36 X 48:. 2009 -
Chambre ParisOil on Canvas
30 X 45". 2009 -
Venus of UrbanoOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2009 -
How to Draw a CatOil on Canvas
24 X 30". 2009 -
Climbing ParnassusOil on Canvas
30 X 24". 2009
2008-2009: The Passport Paintings
The Passport Paintings are a series of oils on canvas covering a lot of territory. From George Washington to the Russian novel. From the boudoir to Old Santiago. From the origin of the world to the Queen of Hearts and everything in between. And lest something is overlooked, there is Shakespeare, who speaks to everything human under the sun and moon and stars.
In Paul Harmon’s longtime attempt to paint everything in the world, he discovered early in life that one has to find universal icons that embrace great bunches of things. And The Passport Paintings are, likewise, works in this Quixotesque quest.